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  • Writer's pictureSusan Reynolds

Loved on the inside?

We all know we're meant to be taking care of ourselves - more veg, more exercise. It's all important and we need to find the food and exercise that works for us. But what about taking care of yourself emotionally? Emotional self-care isn't so much about good resolutions or strict diets. It's about really knowing what makes you feel happy and a bit loved inside, so that you can find ways to take care of yourself when you're going through a hard time. Exercise does this for some people. Being out in nature helps for most of us. But there may be other things that just work for you. You can make time for this without having to justify it to anyone. It could be anything - upcycling old furniture, keeping a diary, growing vegetables: usually it will be something that is physically and mentally good for you too. Try loving yourself on the inside...

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